Pagina dell'episodio'

8x19 - Touched by an Angel

The Bells of St. Peters

Poster della serie Touched by an Angel

Rose is the loving mother of Maggie, an oncologist. She is also her office manager, a meddler in her personal affairs, and a collector of various superstitions and faiths. In an attempt to ease tension in Maggie and her husband Brian's marriage, Rose has planned a trip to Rome. She is counting on her son-in-law and daughter to insist on accompanying her. She thinks that if they make the trip to Vatican Square on Easter Sunday to hear the bells of St. Peter's Cathedral, the miracle they need will happen. She has even gone so far as to hire Monica to temp in the office while they are away. Unfortunately things don't go according to plan. When a patient named Annie dies, Maggie is devastated, closing herself off to Brian, and canceling their plans for Rome. Rose tries to persuade her, but Maggie erupts in anger at her mother's meddling. She even takes Rose's fatigue to be nothing more than a sympathy ploy, her blood-work however tells another story. Rose has leukemmia. Maggie

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4 Maggio 2002
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