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8x21 - Laverne & Shirley

Councilman DeFazio

Poster della serie Laverne & Shirley

Frank is making his usual contribution to his local councilman. After the guy has taken Frank's money he tells him that he plans to tear down Cowboy Bills and build a high rise on top of it. Frank chases the guy from the restaurant and heads down to see Laverne.Laverne is ill in bed, but Frank vents his frustrations to Laverne and decides the only way to stop him and beat city hall is to run against the current corrupt councilman and stop him that way. Next day back at Cowboy Bills, Frank is busy getting all his friends to help him campaign for him, the councilman walsk in with a camera crew in tow and he's telling them all about his plans for the area. Frank confronts the guy and tells the news crew that the other guy is crooked and that his family has all the companies that he gives the city's jobs too. The anchor woman for the TV station invites Frank to an open debate on tv to air his views against Counilman Pike. Later Frank confesses to Carmine that he's never spoken in public be

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3 Maggio 1983
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