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8x217 - Family Affairs

Episode 1980

Poster della serie Family Affairs

The same day from different points of view: The Williams family's day: Conrad is awoken by the sound of Gary's car alarm and he really isn't impressed. Conrad goes back inside and tells his daughter that Gary probably set the car alarm off on purpose to wind him up! Then he has a fight with Katie when he learns that she's broken up with her boyfriend and is looking for a place to stay. They take their argument out into the street just in time to meet Sharon and Bradley's cab. Conrad is surprised to see them back so soon and Sharon questions whether or not they're welcome. Seeing that Bradley's back, Gary approaches Sharon from the other side of the street. Conrad hurries Bradley inside while Sharon talks to Gary. Bradley tells Conrad that he has to see the police today and that's the only reason they came back. Sharon comes in and slags off Gary, she says she doesn't know what Chrissy thinks she's playing at and so she goes to see her to ask her to stop. Conrad can't seem to stop her.

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29 Ottobre 2004
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