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8x242 - Family Affairs

Episode 2005

Poster della serie Family Affairs

After an argument with Conrad, Katie decides to go back on her decision and agrees to make a statement to the police. Later, however, Gary and Chrissy learn that because she's lied before, a statement from Katie actually won't do any good for Gary's case. Later, the mood in the Costello household isn't improved when a phone call comes to inform them that Bradley has only been given community service for downloading child porn! The family worry whether or not they should tell Chloe . . . Conrad really doesn't want Katie working at The Swan and when he hears from Alex that Katie is getting close with her boss, he's decides to pay them both a visit. Katie is later angry after Conrad humiliated her in front of Pete. Meanwhile, Pete gets a new nameplate for above he door of the pub: 'Pete Callan'. Eileen sees him putting it up and says that the reason that she won't contest the license alteration is because she wants rid of Pete once and for all! Geri and her entourage head to the hospi

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3 Dicembre 2004
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