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8x4 - Family Affairs

Episode 1767

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Cat was disappointed with the lack of action from Doug. So disappointed she thought she'd tell all of the customers at the salon! Chrissy was so frustrated with it all by the end of the day that when she saw Doug in the pub she asked him to give Cat what she wanted to shut her up. Meanwhile, Cat enters the pub and sees the pair talking. When Chrissy leaves, Doug tells Cat that she's putting too much pressure on him and that they need to slow down. She guesses that Chrissy has said something but Doug denies it. Cameron completes his first day at the fitness centre. Sean is still upset that Tanya didn't tell him Nick's opinion. Later, Babs tells Tanya that she has to do what she wants to do, but tells her that things can't really go well with Nick if she decides to have the baby with Sean. Babs also points out that Tanya may not have to make a decision, she may be pregnant already. Later, Tanya takes a pregnancy test - it comes out negative. Out of frustration she tells Nick that she

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6 Gennaio 2004
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