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8x5 - Red vs. Blue

Fourth And Twenty

Poster della serie Red vs. Blue

The Reds return to the desert to find Caboose being threatened by the aliens as a result of Epsilon-Church going missing. Tucker informs the aliens that the Reds took Epsilon in order to draw them off of his own back. Meanwhile, as Simmons and Grif try to wake up Epsilon-Church, Sarge is leading the aliens, and thanks to a series of warnings, Grif is able to punt Epsilon away just after he comes to. The aliens arrive with Sarge to see no signs of Epsilon-Church. The Reds flee in the midst of the distraction, and Caboose abandons Tucker, leaving him to face the aliens alone. The Reds and Caboose locate Epsilon, who landed in the mine field after he was punted away. Grif tells Simmons, who is unaware of the mine field, to go get him and Simmons hastily retreats when he accidentally activates a mine.

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10 Maggio 2010
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