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8x61 - Family Affairs

Episode 1824

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Denise and Les interview potential candidates for Caleb's job. No one's up to Denise's standards. Also, Denise gets a call from Caleb and he asks her to come to the results of a HIV test with him. She agrees but turns up late to their meeting. Caleb was upset and asked if she'd care about him at all if it wasn't for the HIV test??? Cat spots Sadie kissing a man in the street. Later she asks Sadie about it but she tells her that it's nothing to get excited about. Sadie buys Davie something for his birthday but doesn't have £15 to spare on a manicure at the salon . . . Chrissy comes back to Charnham and so does Chloe. Chrissy overhears Gary telling Myra that he's never going to leave the girls alone with Chrissy again and later hears Chloe asking Mel not to leave her alone with her mum . . . Upset, Chrissy slips out of the house unnoticed. She observes Gary and Daphne talking in the street and then watches Daphne as she takes up her post behind the counter at the salon . . . In rage

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