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8x71 - Family Affairs

Episode 1834

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Cat told Cheryl about her fling with Dave a few months ago. Cheryl was surprised since she thought they'd split up a long time ago. Cat told Cheryl what ""got Dave going"" when they were together . . . The estate agent came round to Sadie's house to show around some potential buyers. Sadie tried her best to show them the house's faults. Also, Cat continued her one woman campaign to see that Sadie does the right thing and turns Jeff's proposal down. Sadie chooses to ignore her advice and accepts over dinner in the cafe. After dinner, Sadie lies to Cat and Doug and tells them that she turned Jeff down . . . Marc's still angry with Yasmin. She begs him to talk to her. He almost tells her the truth about his affair with Geri, but something holds him back . . . He leaves but she follows and asks Marc if he still loves her. He tells her that he's not so sure that he does! He walks off leaving Yasmin in tears on the street. Tanya walks past and Yasmin has a go at her for telling Marc.

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8 Aprile 2004
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