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9x1 - Family Affairs

Episode 2026

Poster della serie Family Affairs

As The Swan begins to empty, Sean is still left lying in the gutter, but he's between two parked cars and not within any body's view . . . meanwhile, Babs assumes that Sean's got lucky and run off with a fancy man so she picks up Harry from the creche and takes him home . . . Pete recruits Eileen to help him clear the glasses. As she finishes up, he greets her with a drink. They talk for a little while and they both end up confessing that they still have feelings for one and other! One thing leads to another and, despite Eileen's initial objections, they kiss! Katie, Mel, Yasmin, Kelly, Jake and Olly head back to the Williams' place with alcohol from the Swan. There they meet up with Alex who drinks along with them. When they're done with the ones they have, they send Alex out for more bottles. Then, the girls decide to play a little trick on the guys! Promising them a strip show, the girls dare Olly and Jake to streak down Stanley Street. Not wanting to look like a coward in front

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3 Gennaio 2005
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