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9x102 - Family Affairs

Episode 2127

Poster della serie Family Affairs

After John tells her that he's got a surprise up his sleeve, she's left pondering what it could be . . . Later, John reveals that he's found a house that would be just perfect for ""the three of them"" - but its away from Stanley Street and Tanya's not so sure about leaving the area . . . John seems quite taken with the idea however. Justin worries that he's not going to get the job at the shop finished in two weeks, especially since half his work force have up and left Charnham! Ben suggests that maybe Alex and Conrad could pitch in. Justin agrees and offers the Williams' work - they accept so they're back on track. Also, Conrad and Ben help out Sadie and Pam when they're computer breaks down and Sadie tells Pam that she'd love to get back to work . . . Eileen worries about Trish's whereabouts and she's relieved when Trish rings her. Pete tries to deter his wife from going to help but Eileen insists - Trish needs their help. Pete remains adamant that Trish is out for something. When

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24 Maggio 2005
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