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9x16 - Family Affairs

Episode 2041

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Tanya still feeling down and nothing Babs says or does seems to cheer her up. Babs invites Tanya to lunch but Tanya says she's probably won't be up to it . . . later, Babs gets a call from Adam from the speed dating and she agrees to meet him for lunch! Later, Babs and Adam have a nice lunch together but there is a little bit of an awkward moment when Tanya comes in having decided to accept her mum's offer! That evening, Tanya comments that she didn't realize that Adam was so young, it doesn't seem to be much of an issue for Babs who just thinks it's all wonderful! Jake tries to talk to Lucy about what happened between them the other night, but Lucy isn't up for talking. She tells Jake that she's with Olly and he's with Katie so nothing can ever happen between them. Olly tells Lucy that he'll leave Katie for her, but Lucy tells him it's not that simple. Later, Mel tells Lucy that she agrees with Jake, she says that Lucy and Jake belong together but Lucy says she's not so sure. Things

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24 Gennaio 2005
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