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9x18 - Family Affairs

Episode 2043

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Jake and Lucy spend the night together and its all going great! Lucy decides that the whole thing with Olly is just a waste of time and tells Jake that she wants to be with him! He's delighted and runs along to dump Katie. Meanwhile, Cat, who spied Jake showing Lucy out of his place that morning, gets talking with Dave to see what's going on. Dave tells her that its none of her business but lies that Lucy was just dropping off some Cd's . . . Katie overhears and can tell that there's something going on. She tells Alex that she was planning on dumping Jake but later, when he tries to dump her, Jake is shocked when Katie tells him that she's pregnant with his child! Jake asks if she's sure and Katie says all the right things. Jake leaves to tell Lucy and they discuss things a little. Jake tells Lucy that he wants his kid to have a better dad than he did and says that if Lucy wants to keep the baby then he'll have to be there to support her . . . Its Ben's second day release session an

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26 Gennaio 2005
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