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9x26 - Family Affairs

Episode 2051

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Still upset that his family now know that he's still a virgin, things don't get any better for Alex with Katie's teasing over breakfast. Later, he admits to Kelly that he thinks Mel's fit and he'd love to ask her out . . . Kelly is a little surprised by Alex's taste but agrees to get him invited to a party that Lucy is holding for Olly (and Mel is going too!). Later, Alex tries to get some women advice from Katie who tells him that he needs to be more ""dangerous"". Alex doesn't quite get it and later invites Mel for a ride on his bike and tells her that he's only had a couple of drinks . . . Mel declines and seems amused by Alex's advances. Yasmin gives an economics lesson to Geri - all the things she's learned from Adam. Geri and Mel both comment that Yas can't seem to shut-up about her new man but Yasmin reassures them that she and Adam are just friends . . . Neither Geri or Mel seem to believe her! Jake persists is trying to get Olly into trouble. After getting his job back on th

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7 Febbraio 2005
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