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9x34 - Family Affairs

Episode 2059

Poster della serie Family Affairs

After hearing the truth about what happened with Olly, Lucy storms out of Jake's flat closely followed by Jake. He tries to apologize and tells Lucy how much he loves her but she tells him that he can never love her as much as he says he does because there's a whole part of her that he knows nothing about . . . Jake asks Lucy to tell him so she does: all about Mike. Jake's horrified that Dave didn't tell him but he tells Lucy that it doesn't change how he feels about her. At which point, Olly enters and starts on Jake who doesn't take it lying down. Seeing that the two won't ever stop bickering, Lucy tells them to stop and says that she doesn't want to be with either of them instead she's going to call her dad and ask him to send her a ticket to New York! Later, Jake confronts Dave about keeping the whole incident with Mike from him. Dave makes Jake see that he would have done the same thing had he been in that position! Yasmin starts to have real doubts over whether or not this wedd

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17 Febbraio 2005
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