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9x39 - Family Affairs

Episode 2064

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Conrad fixes the toy dog Tanya got from Sean and heads round to give it too her. Tanya buzzes him in but as he heads inside, doctor John shows up and tells him that he can deliver the parcel . . . Up in the flat, Tanya is surprised to see John coming in. They start by having a civilized conversation that turns into an argument when the matter of Tanya's guilt is brought up - surprisingly it might seem, John argues Tanya's case while she protests her guilt! Eventually, John finds himself thrown out! Meanwhile, Katie can see that Conrad is somewhat disappointed with not having had the chance to given Tanya the toy dog himself . . . Furious that Mel screwed up her treatment so that she wouldn't be able to go to the premiere with Drew, Katie decides to threaten Yasmin with a lawsuit if she doesn't get all the free treatments she wants for a week. Eager to avoid a public fight, Yasmin agrees and tells Mel that if she can't be trusted then she can go back to being an assistant! Katie is de

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24 Febbraio 2005
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