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9x4 - The Apprentice

Farm Shop

Poster della serie The Apprentice

The fight for Lord Sugar's £250,000 investment continues with farmyard fun, as this task sees the candidates open their own farm shops. The hopefuls swap their high heels and city brogues for wellies as they set off to source stock from farms across the South East. One team decides to specialize in pricey buffalo produce, while the others try to churn a profit from premium milk. The teams divide to search the Home Counties for farm fresh produce, but some are left high and dry when they are sent shopping on a shoestring; and there is trouble for others as they find out - with minutes to spare - that stock levels are dangerously low. On sales day, the candidates set up shop in trendy east London; one team finds their takeaway's soups and spuds tricky to shift, while the other team finds there is an appetite for milkshakes. One candidate takes a gamble by using the task to prove their business idea for Lord Sugar works. In the boardroom, even the winning team gets a telling off.

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22 Maggio 2013
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