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9x47 - Family Affairs

Episode 2072

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Having thought things through, Tanya decides that quitting her job isn't the best solution to her problems and calls John to withdraw her resignation. Delighted, John soon appears bearing flowers! Also, having sorted out her house in Southampton, Babs returns to Stanley Street. Conrad and Alex continue to be disapproving of Katie's man! They tell her that they're just concerned that she's not being used . . . Chrissy gets upset when Chloe starts asking about her grandma (Jackie). Chrissy tells her to stop bothering her, Gary tells Chrissy that she needs to tell the girls about Jackie moving to New Zealand but Chrissy tells him that the time isn't right. Later, Mel finds the cheque from Jackie in her mum's handbag and when Chrissy tells her that she doesn't plan to cash it Mel looses it and accuses Chrissy of thinking of herself over her family and Gary . . . Also, Gary hears that his trial has been put back a couple of weeks. The Boulters (and Justin) are worried that Denise is

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8 Marzo 2005
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