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9x53 - Family Affairs

Episode 2078

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Conrad is still unhappy about Katie's relationship with Drew and he doesn't hesitate to make his feelings known. Later, Conrad buys a bed for Ben in the hope that upon hearing tat he has a proper place to stay is might change his mind about coming home. However, during the assembly process, things go horribly wrong from Conrad as he emerges from upstairs to tell Alex that he's had a little accident with the nail gun and asks his son to drive him to the hospital since he won't be able to sit down . . . Suppressing laughter, Alex takes his dad to the hospital where things go from bad to worse for Conrad when he learns that the nurse treating him will be none other than Tanya! For the first time the two really start hitting it off, even though Conrad did spend the entire time face down with his backside hanging out! At the end of it all Tanya complements Conrad on his nice bum! Pete brings up the idea of kids again with Eileen and at first she isn't sure they should rush things but with

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16 Marzo 2005
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