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9x57 - Family Affairs

Episode 2082

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Mel announces to Gary that she's invited Graham to his wedding. He's not pleased about the idea but tells Mel that he'll talk things over with Chrissy. That conversation is a little one sided with Gary doing most of the talking. They (or rather he) comes to the decision that Graham isn't welcome and later it becomes his job to tell Mel! She isn't happy at all but Gary tells her that it's just family . . . even though Sadie's invited-ish . . . Anyway, Mel isn't happy! Having invited Dr John round for a homemade dinner, Tanya remembers that she can't actually cook! So she enlists Babs' help! Babs to the rescue - she soon gets her daughter organized and gives her a recipe that can't fail. Later, things go horribly wrong in the kitchen and Tanya decides that a takeaway is a much better solution! She apologizes to John who tells her he's not hungry anyway. Tanya also confronts him about why he' with her, after all he's so perfect and she can't even cook. John tells her that for starters s

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22 Marzo 2005
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