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9x62 - Family Affairs

Episode 2087

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Mel continues to hide away in Graham's flat, fearing people finding out that he hit her. Graham tries to stay home with her but Dave won't let him off any more shifts so he's forced out of the flat to go and work. Meanwhile, Denise asks after Mel at the shop, Myra tells her that she hasn't heard from her since the wedding and that every time she rings Mel cuts her off. Denise suggests that maybe it's Graham that's been cutting her off but Myra dismisses her saying that it's probably just Mel's pride that's getting in the way of her picking up the phone. Nevertheless, all this makes Denise suspicious so when she sees Graham heading out she decides to pay Mel a visit. She rings the bell and bangs on the door and begs Mel to let her in, when Mel comes to the door Denise can see exactly what's been going on even though Mel denies it outright. Later, after they've been talking for a while Mel becomes irritated and worried that Graham might be home any minute and that Denise needs to go. Den

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29 Marzo 2005
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