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9x64 - Family Affairs

Episode 2089

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Adam and Yasmin are left with the question - where do we go from here? Yasmin tells Adam that all she really wants is a baby, his baby. She doesn't want to adopt or to foster . . . Adam can see no other solution but to end their marriage, he says that this shouldn't have to be Yasmin's problem. She doesn't know what to do for the best. After Ben and Alex leave their party, the Williams' are left to debate what's best. Conrad still insists that this is Ben's home but Katie isn't so sure and tells her dad that if Ben is going to be that unhappy there then maybe it would be for the best that he doesn't come ""home"" . . . Before they can finish their conversation, the doorbell goes - it's Drew's boyfriend, Russ, with the news that he's been dumped! Katie and Ania listen to what he has to say and then Ania tells them both that they're probably better off without him. Meanwhile, the Williams lads are still arguing. Things get heated and Ben tells Alex exactly what he thinks - Alex is to bla

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31 Marzo 2005
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