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9x7 - Family Affairs

Episode 2032

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Yas and Mel set out to meet their ideal men, having got their profiles from the Internet, the girls confidently headed to the cafe to meet their guise. They were disappointed however to learn that there too guise weren't exactly what they expected and they soon made a hasty exit. Tanya seems to be constantly neglecting Harry more and more. Every time Babs turns her back and Harry starts crying, Tanya's nowhere to be seen. Later, Tanya confesses to Babs that every time she looks at her baby, she doesn't see Harry - she sees Sean! Tanya and Babs head for Worcester where Sean will be buried - close to his family. When Justin finds out that Kelly took Suzie to a squat yesterday he's not at all pleased! Kelly defends it saying that it was perfectly safe and accuses Justin of over-reacting. During their argument, Kelly lets slip that Alex is going through a hard time what with his brother coming out tomorrow and everything . . . Justin doesn't ask any questions but soon lets slip to Cat

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11 Gennaio 2005
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