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9x72 - Family Affairs

Episode 2097

Poster della serie Family Affairs

There was more high drama as Gary's court hearing continued: Mel decided not to attend, feeling that what happened to Chloe was all of her fault - she refuses to discuss things and Myra and Chrissy soon give up . . . When Chrissy gets to the courthouse and sees Sharon waiting to testify she can't help but try and make her see the error of her ways. Myra tries to persuade Chrissy to stay away, but she just can't and the second Myra's out of sight - Chrissy confronts Sharon! Sharon tells her that she's back with Martin now and that Bradley's living with them and that everything's really going well for them all so she really doesn't want to rock the boat. Chrissy is outraged by this feeble excuse but their conversation is cut short when Bradley comes up behind Chrissy. Myra and Sharon have to drag Chrissy away from Bradley to see to it that she doesn't do him any damage! In court, Gary's barrister remains optimistic and tells Gary that he must come off as a nice guy who acted out of chara

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12 Aprile 2005
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