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9x73 - The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Kelly Osbourne, Nolan Gould, Gavin DeGraw

Poster della serie The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Just in time for the Golden Globes, KELLY OSBOURNE is here! This fashionista is the co-host of E!'s "Fashion Police," airing Monday Jan 16 at 9pm ET, and she's telling Ellen all about the hot new trends to look out for on the red carpet! Every time she's here, Kelly is open, lively and full of fun! And L.A. Reserve Deputy SHERVIN LALEZARY will share his story of how he captured the suspect accused of being the Los Angeles arsonist. Also, from the hit show, "Modern Family," NOLAN GOULD is here! He plays the charming, if not misguided, son of the Dunphys on the show America has fallen in love with. He's here to tell Ellen how his life has changed, and what it's like growing up in front of the cameras. Plus, music sensation GAVIN DeGRAW performs his huge hit, "Not Over You," from his latest CD, "Sweeter." It couldn't be a sweeter Monday on Ellen.

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9 Gennaio 2012
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