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9x81 - Family Affairs

Episode 2106

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Yasmin introduced Beyonce to Cat (who is ironically allergic) and to Babs who finds Yasmin's new kitty adorable. Yasmin also lets them both know that things between her and Adam are now fine, it was all just a big misunderstanding. Little does she know . . . Also, Cat begs Babs to give her another tarot card reading in exchange for a pedicure! Babs accepts and later tells Cat that she will be in for some more money but as a result of sadness . . . Pete starts to drive Eileen mad as he keeps her under lock and key and doesn't allow her to do anything at all! When she has to go and pick something small up for dinner she finds herself being told off but in return Pete gets a mouthful as Eileen tells him that he can't keep her wrapped up in cotton wool until October! Dave's options are beginning to run out. Pete tells him that his flat is still available but Dave's pride won't let him accept. Then Dave tells Jake he's come up with a great idea - Graham's rent on the flat above the cab

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25 Aprile 2005
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