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9x90 - Family Affairs

Episode 2115

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Olly is stunned when Pete kicks him out of the flat in order to move Sadie and Pam in. Les is horrified when he wakes up and remembers that he tried to kiss Lucy the night before. Gary tells Chrissy that they have been asked to do a TV appeal about Melanie. Olly tells Lucy that he's thinking about leaving Charnham. Denise is annoyed when she finds out that Lucy didn't show up for work. Babs feels under pressure when Chrissy asks for a tarot reading to help find Melanie. Lucy advises Les to talk to Denise and save his marriage. Chrissy is troubled when Babs starts to read her tarot cards, but stops half way through and packs them away. Convinced that Melanie is dead, Chrissy decides to buy her own tarot cards. Lucy is sad as she watches Olly leave Charnham. Les goes for a drive and sees a prostitute. He's on the verge of picking her up when he comes to her senses and thinks better of it.

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6 Maggio 2005
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