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9x91 - The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Michelle Obama, Daniel Radcliffe, Sara Ferguson

Poster della serie The Ellen DeGeneres Show

She's the wife of the leader of the free world, MICHELLE OBAMA is here! The First Lady of the United States is sitting down with Ellen for a very special conversation. From her campaign to end childhood obesity to her impact on the world of fashion, to her new Twitter account, Mrs. Obama makes headlines everywhere she goes, and she's here to tell Ellen about it all. Plus, he personified one of the most iconic fictional characters in history. The Harry Potter films have come to a conclusion, but things for DANIEL RADCLIFFE are just beginning. His new film, "The Woman in Black" launches an exciting new chapter in his already illustrious career. Also, the hero teacher who attended Pres. Obama's State of the Union address, SARA FERGUSON, is here! When money got tight in her school district in Chester, Pennsylvania, Sara continued working without pay. When Ellen heard her story, she knew she had to meet Sara... a meeting the two will never forget.

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2 Febbraio 2012
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