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9x92 - Family Affairs

Episode 2117

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Tanya tells John that she'll think about moving in together. Later, she thinks she might have put him off when he cancels their date together. Tanya finds herself drinking alone in the Swan and watching Conrad chat up Pam. When John turns up unexpectedly, Tanya agrees to move in with him but is she doing it just to spite Conrad? Every conversation Les and Denise seem to have are rows. Denise talks things over with Eileen who tells her that the best thing to do would probably be to get some professional help before it's too late . . . Gary and Chrissy take part in the televised appeal for Mel but they're disappointed when there are only five journalists there. Gary comes to think that the whole thing was just a set-up to see if he and Chrissy looking guilty. He takes his anger out on the liaison officer and tells him to forget about finding Mel - he doesn't need to be treated like this!

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10 Maggio 2005
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