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9x99 - Family Affairs

Episode 2124

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Chrissy's still optimistic that Jane told them the truth. But Gary and Myra both try to make her see that's probably not the case. The Costellos also get a visit from PC Will who tells them off for not calling the police when they knew they were meeting this source - they do have some experience of this after all! Will has to inform Gary and Chrissy that police think that this is probably a hoax . . . Tanya has to hold Babs back from telling Yasmin what she saw. But later, she goes about telling her anyway - but at least she gives Adam a chance to explain. He tells Yasmin that he was with Melisa, she'd had some bad news and so he was comforting her . . . Yas is surprised that Adam hadn't told him but soon moves on. But Adam can't get the encounter out of his mind and so later he goes to see Babs to explain the situation fully. But he can tell that Babs doesn't believe him . . . fearful that Babs might tell Yasmin, Adam preempts her and tells Yas that while he was helping Babs with he

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19 Maggio 2005
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