Boris and Natasha have to steer clear of Rocky and Bullwinkle if their all on the same boat. The S.S. Andalusia. Boris and Natasha can't take their plant on with then because the ship's facalty was on the look for a stolen Moosberry Bush, yet their plant IS the stolen Moosberry Bush. So Natasha uses it like a new hat. While Rocky and Bullwinkle were walking up the gangplank, Boris snapped the chain and Rocky and Bullwinkle fell into the water and were about to be crushed between the dock and the ship. Capt. Peachfuzz threw a rope for them to catch, but as we all know, he's Wrongway Peachfuzz, and his rope went out on the other side. But fortunately, a passing motorboat hokked onto the rope and puled the ship out of the way, and Rocky and Bullwinkle were pulled back on deck. Boris and Natasha's stolen Moosberry Bus was sea-sick. Having to give it freshair, they disguised. Boris was Sir Thomas Lipenboris, the millionary yachtsman, and Natasha was his wife Lady Alice, and the stolen Moosb