Rocky, Boris (Sir Thomas), and Natasha (Lady Alice) go for a turn around the deck, but Rocky soon tires the villains out since he's too fast. Bullwinkle tries to stir up a conversation with Uncle Chamly. Boris and Natasha drill holes in Rocky and Bullwinkle's lifeboat, then tricks them into a fake lifeboat practice. Out in the water, Rocky and Bullwinkle discover they've sprung a leak. Then Bullwinkle plugged up the holes in the lifeboat with his antlers, while Rocky kept his eyes open for the S.S. Andalusia, while the stolen Moosberry Bush disguised as Uncle Chamly just sat there. Rocky may be waiting a long time since the S.S. Andalusia is under the control of Capt. Peachfuzz, ther world's worst sailor. This episode also explains Peachfuzz's history. While at the end, the lifeboat with Rocky, Bullwinkle, and the Moosberry Bush got hooked to the S.S. Andalusia.
Fractured Fairy Takes: The Enchanted Fly Bullwinkle's Corner: Excelsior Peabody's Improbable History: Richard the Lionhe