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1x14 - Love Is in the Air

I'd Like to Forget

Poster della serie Love Is in the Air

Eda explains to her aunt and friends that Serkan is going to Italy with her. She is very happy, very in love and excited. Serkan learns about his family's connection to Eda's family. He says "This is my responsibility, nothing can separate me from Eda" and opposes his family. He wants to be more attached to Eda, postpone the work and spend a day alone with Eda. While experiencing his love with Eda, in the absence of Serkan in the office, projects are disrupted, Leyla goes crazy from phone traffic, those in the office are in a state of panic. Efe's offering to help Selin in this environment and his desire to put things in order will drive Serkan crazy. Efe organizes a meal for the team to socialize. In this dinner, where the whole team participates, there is fun, competition and competitive moments. Serkan wants to show his loyalty to Eda by telling her the whole truth. But this confession will not be easy for Serkan.

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14 Ottobre 2020
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