Pagina dell'episodio'

1x15 - Love Is in the Air


Poster della serie Love Is in the Air

Eda is destroyed when Serkan leaves her. She decides to go to Italy and complete her education. But at the knick of time, she learns that the grantor of her Italian scholarship is her grandmother, with her aunt being the intermediary. She confronts her aunt and makes a decision to no longer allow anyone to interfere with her life. Learning that Eda will not come to work, Efe offers her a job. She will only be able to work under him and have no relationship with Serkan Bolat. Eda first thinks that she cannot deal with seeing Serkan every day in the same building. But then she remembers her decision: She will determine the course of her life herself, in spite of everyone. Therefore, she accepts Efe's offer. Serkan, who thinks that he has removed Eda from his life, goes crazy when he sees Eda, who starts working at his workplace. But he cannot do anything because she is an employee of Efe. A cold war begins between Eda and Serkan. While Eda gets her sweet revenge, she infuriates Serkan.

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21 Ottobre 2020
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