Pagina dell'episodio'

1x17 - Love Is in the Air

You Knock on My Door (4)

Poster della serie Love Is in the Air

Efe tries to gain Serkan's trust by bringing one of Turkey's most important families to the holding as a customer. However, they actually have secret plans regarding Serkan. Before handing over big projects, the family wants to get to know the company by having their homes renovated. Eda and Serkan take care of the renovation of the house, and the owners of the house, Emre and Aslı, become their friends. Things get out of hand when Aslı shares a special secret with Eda. Serkan and Eda embark on a sweet adventure that will lead to many misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Serkan is sure that Eda is pregnant. But Eda's not saying anything to him about this makes him crazy. On the one hand, his deep love for Eda and on the other hand, being unable to be close to him will ruin Serkan. Eda, on the other hand, cannot prevent her feelings for Serkan despite all her anger. The attitude of Eda in the game Efe plays will drag the relationship between Serkan and Eda to a completely different point.

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4 Novembre 2020
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