Pagina dell'episodio'

1x18 - Love Is in the Air

Love You So Much

Poster della serie Love Is in the Air

Everyone believes the collapse of the rooftop is Serkan's fault. Serkan is in such a difficult situation for the first time in his life. While everybody, even himself, thinks that these are happening because of a mistake he made in drawing, there is only one person who believes that Serkan will never do such a carelessness: of course, Eda! While Serkan tries to fix the damage caused by the crash, Eda is determined to solve the error in the drawings. Serkan goes to a new house, Aydan is very sad, Eda has a great plan for Aydan. Meanwhile, Ayfer learns that the customer who came to the florist actually came thanks to Serkan, not with Efe's reference. Eda misinterprets Serkan's behavior towards Selin. Serkan follows Eda, who has become distant towards him, and finds her in the university library. Even if they are currently going through a rough patch, they cannot stay away from each other. They spend time together during the night.

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11 Novembre 2020
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