Pagina dell'episodio'

1x19 - Love Is in the Air

You Knock on My Door (5)

Poster della serie Love Is in the Air

Eda and Serkan's recent discussions ended with Eda telling Serkan that she would now see other people. Serkan feels resentful that Eda can forget him so quickly, and on the one hand, he feels trapped having to pay for his father's mistake. He thinks Eda will slip out of his hands forever. The flower that came to Eda from a mysterious man is the salt and pepper of the business. Serkan goes after Eda to talk and tell her about the accident years ago, the name behind the death of Eda's parents. What Serkan wants to tell Eda is difficult enough, and how he learned them is also important. Serkan wants to create an environment where they can be alone and talk for a long time, where no one will disturb them. On the morning of the night they spent together, a bad surprise awaits Eda with Selin's arrival at Serkan's house. What will Eda decide after learning the truth? Will love overcome everything?

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21 Novembre 2020
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