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1x2 - Lost in Love

Episode 2

Poster della serie Lost in Love

İncila, who is experiencing the most special moments of her life with the man whose love she has carried in her heart since childhood, is trapped between her unrealizable dreams and bitter realities. İncila runs away from Mete in every corner of the house to prevent him from finding out who she is while trying to prevent Naz from finding out about these events. Mete, who is engaged to Naz and on the road to marriage, is under the influence of the strong and deep bond he feels for this mysterious girl who suddenly appears and disappears. These feelings increase the question marks in his mind about Naz even more. Although facing Mete again in the shadow of excitement and fear while burning with his love strengthens the bond between İncila and Mete, İncila realizes that she must put an end to this game. When she decides to confront Mete for the last time, they don't realize that the fuse of a bomb that could ruin everything has been lit.

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9 Novembre 2023
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