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1x3 - Lost in Love

Episode 3

Poster della serie Lost in Love

İncila, who is on the verge of being caught by Naz while she is with Mete, narrowly escapes an encounter that could ruin everything. While the problems and insecurities between their families create a new crisis for Naz and Mete, Naz, who thinks that she cannot get the support she needs from the man she loves, opens the door to a bigger crisis by breaking off the engagement. While Mete becomes more and more attached to this mysterious girl who suddenly appeared before him, İncila, experiences the pain and despair of knowing the impossibility of this love, although she cannot yet explain the reason to Mete. While the love between Mete and İncila, who share a special day and night while big storms are brewing in their lives, flares up even more, they are on the verge of being caught by family members. Mete, who is preparing to explain a critical decision regarding their relationship to Naz, is faced with a hidden truth that will disrupt all his plans.

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16 Novembre 2023
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