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1x5 - Lost in Love

Episode 5

Poster della serie Lost in Love

Naz is shocked to see İncila's slap Mete, while the two are in a difficult situation and try to give the best explanation to Naz and the household. This latest development puts all the spotlight on İncila, while Naz's all-powerful backing of her only adds to İncila's feelings of guilt. As İncila and Mete get into a bigger and bigger impasse, Filiz, who wants to keep her daughter away from İncila, takes action with Müberra for a plan to solve the problem. İncila, who learns about this plan from her aunt, does not realize that she is trusting the wrong person as she struggles to get out of the predicament she is stuck in. As the wedding day becomes complicated for everyone with Filiz's sudden move, Mete confronts İncila after learning that she is planning an escape plan. While İncila tries to stand up to Mete despite all her accusations, Mete will be the one who has to make a difficult decision this time.

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30 Novembre 2023
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