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1x6 - Lost in Love

Episode 6

Poster della serie Lost in Love

Thinking that she cannot betray Naz and that their reunion is impossible, İncila rejects Mete's proposal, even if it hurts. While Mete is disappointed by this answer, he thinks about giving up one last time but realizes that there is no going back, and he and Naz tie the knot. While this development further increases the obstacles between İncila and Mete, Mete, who does not want İncila to leave, experiences the anger and helplessness of not being able to convince her. On the other hand, although Naz is very happy to marry Mete, the events at the wedding cause her to return to her mother's house after a night full of tension. While this development further strains the ties between the two families, Naz is shocked to meet the overwhelming authority of Count Ziya. İncila decides to leave Naz's life and the life of the man she grew up with and the man she loves forever, and as she is about to embark on a journey, she does not realize that Mete will not give up on her easily.

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7 Dicembre 2023
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