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1x7 - Lost in Love

Episode 7

Poster della serie Lost in Love

Mete, who doesn't want to lose İncila, prevents İncila from leaving, citing Naz's devotion to her. Thinking that this is the only way she can get out of all the deadends she is trapped in, İncila is trapped in a big trap again by Mete's unexpected move and suddenly finds herself engaged to Kadir. Count Ziya, who feels that his authority is ignored, sternly reminds Mete whose grandson he is and announces the strict rules he wants the household to follow. İncila, who incurs Naz's wrath for leaving her alone, is forced to tell Naz and Mete the truth about her engagement. As the news stuns them both, they learn that Filiz had something to do with it. As Mete and Naz take action to prevent this forced marriage, Mete realizes that he has hit a hard rock as he risks a confrontation with Kadir in order not to lose İncila, while İncila's final decision makes everything even more difficult.

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14 Dicembre 2023
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