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1x7 - Island Tale

Episode 7

Poster della serie Island Tale

After their kiss, Poyraz is sure of Haziran's feelings, but Haziran refuses to talk about it. Thereupon, the young man says, "Be ready to see another Poyraz from now on." While Haziran is waiting to see the old grumpy, little-spoken Poyraz, the opposite scene comes across. A young female customer who comes to the hotel shows interest in Poyraz. While Haziran is madly jealous of Poyraz, she is crushed under the burden of her secret. Meanwhile, Alper is determined to tell Poyraz what he heard from Biricik, but Biricik does her best to prevent Alper. The main reason for Selma and Zeynep's resentment explodes with a big sister fight and the whole island is shaken. When Poyraz learns of the betrayal of the person he thinks is his best friend, he cannot control his anger. Haziran decides to risk everything and confess the whole truth to the man she loves, but everything turns upside down when İdil makes a mess.

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3 Agosto 2021
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