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1x8 - Island Tale

Episode 8

Poster della serie Island Tale

Poyraz is full of anger towards Haziran, who has lied to him all this time. Haziran, on the other hand, thinks of nothing but making up for the evil she has done. Haziran will not leave the hotel and Poyraz has to work with her whether he wants it or not… However, Poyraz is determined to make it difficult for Haziran. Poyraz is not the only one who does not want Haziran. Realizing that Poyraz's anger is also under the pain of love, Aliye panics and takes action against Haziran. Zeynep, who is aware of what is going on, will not let anyone crush her daughter. Zeynep also has a plan against Aliye's moves. On the other hand, İdil is determined to find out who the woman her father wants to marry is, and this determination will cause a great crisis. Hakan, who has not left the island yet, becomes even more ambitious and recklessly does everything he can to pierce the wounds of both Poyraz and Haziran.

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10 Agosto 2021
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