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2x2 - Doctor in the House

What Seems to Be the Trouble?

Poster della serie Doctor in the House

The Boys spend their first day on the wards.Mike has trouble from the start with his patient.(Mr Drobnic)He's either asleep or gone downstairs for physio, When he finally does see him & asks ""what seems to be the trouble""? Mr Drobnic doesn't speak english.! Dr. Merriford's wanting a report from the students at midday & Mike's running out of time. He has to take Mr Drobnic to X-ray in a wheelchair & while he's looking for it Mr Drobnic wheels himself away. Mike sees a wheelchair across from the escalator he has just traveled up & thinking it's his patient,wheels him back to the ward just as Dr.Merriford wants Mike's report on his patient. Mike pulls back the curtain & tells the Doctor his patients name & what he thinks he's suffering from. Only thing is the patient is a pregnant woman.!! The show closes with Mike looking for Mr Drobnic & sees him being loaded into the back of an ambulance. Mike chases after it.

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17 Aprile 1970
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