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2x3 - Doctor in the House

Take Off Your Clothes ... and Hide

Poster della serie Doctor in the House

The boys go to a Strip Club & while watching a dancer strip,she feints on stage. The Manager asks if there's a Doctor in the House & the boys go backstage to see if they can help. The Dancer (Rita) has all the symptoms of pneumonia. Mike phones for an ambulance & she's admitted to St Swithin's. Rita recovers & one by one the boys come to see her. Rita's boss visits & wants to know when she will be returning to work. Mike says she needs rest & asks her if she ever wanted to get another job. Rita tells him she wanted to be a nurse when she was young. Mike tells Rita she could help at St. Swithin's if she would like when she's better. It soon turns out Rita's a better stripper than she is a nurse,She goes back to the strip club & changes her act from Meter Maid to Nurse.

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24 Aprile 1970
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