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3x56 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 221

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

The gate guard sees what has happened, and finds Kathy dead in the road. He calls for an ambulance, while Wendy in reception rings the police. Wendy tells Erica about the accident, and that the victim was an ex-prisoner. Terry gets to hear about it too, and rushes outside to get confirmation of who was run over, just as Inspector Grace turns up. Grace tells Terry that he and Vera could be implicated, because of Terry and Vera's circumstances, and because Kathy was Terry's ex-wife. Doreen turns up in Alison's cell, and attacks her, but Jim intervenes. Erica decides to send Alison to isolation, while Jim blames Alison's haughty behaviour. Doreen makes Erica lose her patience, and she is sent to solitary. Inspector Grace criticises Erica for not reporting the threats against Kathy, but she soon puts him in his place. Doreen, Alison and Bea are interviewed, but Inspector Grace gets very little information, as the prisoners had been in their cells at the time.

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25 Agosto 1981
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