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3x57 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 222

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Vera find Terry sweeping up the fragments of his broken mug. Bea warns the other prisoners about Terry, and tells them never to be alone with him. Wendy offers to teach Alison typing. Vera gets a telephone call from Mr . Douglas to say that she is one of three remaining applicants for the Governorship of Barnhurst. Don gets a visit from Mr. Carter: he says that Chris has run away after hitting one of his teachers. Don drives his van around looking for Chris. Bea puts pressure on Terry, with her and the other prisoners constantly hinting that he has killed Kathy. Lizzie has another home visit to see Sid. Terry nags Vera about their engagement, but she refuses to give him an answer. Vera thinks she detects a certain jealousy on Jim's part when he hears about the three remaining applicants, as he threw away his chance to be Governor. A policewoman sees Don about Chris' disappearance. At work, Terry is very tense, and gets angry over the slightest thing.

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26 Agosto 1981
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