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52x52 - General Hospital


Poster della serie General Hospital

Nina is upset after learning that Silas has been seeing Sam but doesn't blame him for moving on with his life. Silas explains to Nina how he pushed every woman away until he met Sam. Nina tells him that she is happy for him. Nina decides to go and stay with Nathan but Silas insists that she stays with him. Molly and Elizabeth are worried that something bad has happened to Ric after hearing the gun shot. When Anna returns she explains to them that there was a struggle and Nathan was forced to shoot Ric and continues that he is dead. Molly becomes really upset and Anna puts Nathan on administrative leave. A body bag is taken out and once Anna is alone it is revealed that Ric is really still alive. Rafe acts oddly as Sam talks to him about the car crash. Maxie sees Nathan looking upset in the park. Patrick tries to get through to Sabrina that they aren't getting married and that their baby has died. Sabrina breaks down in his arms begging him to bring the baby back.

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12 Giugno 2014
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