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52x53 - General Hospital


Poster della serie General Hospital

Duke shows up at Sonny's place and they talk about Julian's release. Duke tells Sonny that he would like to return to work but can't after he is offered his old job back. Sonny tells him that it Ava who really killed Connie and explains that he can not tell Morgan what really happened because news that he killed AJ would get to Michael. Britt and Brad argue about Nikolas as he shows up at he Floating Rib. Nikolas comes over and thanks her for doing everything that she could to try and save Gabriel as news about Ric's shooting is released. Maxie unloads her problems on Nathan after they go for a drink. Lucas sees Felix outside the hospital and he learns about the situation with Sabrina. Brad sees Lucas hugging Felix. Anna lets Ric out of his body bag and he thinks what they are doing is wrong. Anna attempts to convince him that they are doing the right thing after Alexis and Molly show up to see his body. After Elizabeth clashes with Liesl she fires her. Britt wants her mother to help her win Nikolas back after she sees him comforting an upset Elizabeth.

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13 Giugno 2014
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