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6x27 - Undressed

Episode 627

Poster della serie Undressed

""Mean Freddy"" written by Sean Carley, directed by Jim Donovan Barry and his friend name Darla are new workers at Mundo Mondo, Where Kelli seems to be the Head Supervisor. It's the perfect vaction for work, sex, and no rules. Darla sees this guy in glasses, but it's doesn't tickle Barry. Barry then bumps to his high school tormentor, Fred, the all around high school jock who didn't know better. Fred and Barry are paired to set up the beds. Barry tries to hide his face with the sheets but Fred wins over the ""tugging."" Fred tells Barry that he looks familiar and grabs him almost by the collar. Barry feels that worse, thinking that Fred remembered the old high school days, but the unthinkable happens. Fred kisses him, and Barry is confused, was Fred messing with him, or are these actions from his repressed memories from homosexuallity from high school that he had to keep secret? Barry freaks, and tries to get away, but Fred undresses and temps Barry which he accepts. In their und

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30 Luglio 2002
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